If only I had wings so I can fly
I wanna be with you for all of time
My love for you will never die
If only you could hear me shout your name
If only feel my love again
The stars in the sky will never be the same
If only you were here

❤ 愛してる ❤


I'm 100% K-Pop Fanatic!!

[x] You actually knew that K-Pop means Korean Pop when you first heard it.
[x] You like K-Pop.
[x] You dream of meeting your favourite K-Pop band.
[x] You can name more than 10 K-Pop bands.
[x] You can name more than 10 K-Pop singers without thinking. 
Total so far: 5

[x] Your favourite band has been crowned 1st on Music Shows (e.g. Music Bank).
[x] Your favourite band has more than 3 albums (inc. mini).
[x] You have a group of friends who like K-Pop too.
[x] You have at least 5 K-Pop songs in your Phone/Music Player. 
[x] You choose K-Pop over J-Pop. 
Total so far: 10

[x] You know a site where there are always updates of K-Pop news. 
[x] You have "liked" a site where there are always updates of K-Pop news on Facebook.
[x] You look forward on watching Music Shows.
[x] You would kill an anti of K-Pop.
[x] You buy Teenage magazine because it provides things that concern K-Pop.
Total so far: 15

[x]You have 40 K-Pop songs in your Phone/Music Player. 
[x] You know at least 5 K-Pop song's beat.
[x] Your socialize network or chat room (e.g. Facebook, MSN) display picture was once a K-Pop singer/band 's picture.
[x] You own a album/poster regarding K-Pop.
[x] You can speak basic Korean. 
 Total so far:20

Now use your total number and X5, that is the % of K-Pop fanatic you are.
Set the title of this note as I'm % K-Pop Fanatic!
Tag as many people as you can to find out how much of a K-Pop fanatic they are.